Supporting Parents Every Step of the Way

Our parent workshops combine psychoeducation with emotional support to increase family connection and reduce frustration around challenging behavior.


“I came to parenting the way most of us do — knowing nothing and trying to learn everything.” - Mayim Bialik


In a supportive, non-judgmental setting you will find that you are not alone.

We provide education and consultation to give you the support you need to help you raise emotionally healthy kids. In a supportive, non-judgmental setting parents will know they are not alone and leave with an increased sense of hope and joy in parenting. We have expertise in the following areas (and more!) so that your unique family can thrive.


Collaborative Problem Solving™ Approach

Meeting the needs of challenging behavior can be a struggle. The In Sight team has pioneered the use of Collaborative Problem Solving™ in Colorado schools, helping educators and parents find effective methods for improving outcomes for children with challenging behavior.

Support for Foster and Adoptive Parents

Raising foster and adopted youth poses many challenges to parents, guardians and educators. This unique, trauma informed training and support group is based upon the Annie E. Casey Foundation's ARC Reflections program. Recertification credit hours are available.

Parenting the Strong Willed Child™

The In Sight team has extensive training and experience in this research-based parenting curriculum for effective strategies for the early childhood years.


SENG™ Model Parent Support Groups

Members of the In Sight team are certified to facilitate SENG™ support groups, designed to address the unique issues, needs and challenges faced by varying gifted communities.

Trauma Informed Parenting

Our trauma informed parenting classes provide information, resources and perspective for parents and caregivers of children and teens who have experienced trauma or adverse childhood experiences.

TiLT™ Parenting

All children are unique, some even more so than others. When it comes to working with “Differently Wired” children, an equally unique and compassionate mindset becomes necessary. Learn how to tap into this mindset in a safe and supportive group based on the work of Debbie Rieber.


Additional support available to parents includes individual parent coaching and family therapy services. Check our resource page for more information.